Thanks to Diego Bado for returning to Scotland and teaching workshops and dancing in Glasgow on Saturday 5th October and Edinburgh on Sunday 6th October 2019.

Saturday 5th October 2019 – Glasgow
11am – 12:30pm: “Axis management” – Tools for conscious management of the different relations of axes between the members of the couple (parallel, in colgadas, in volcadas, in elastic movements).
1:30 – 3pm: “Spiral workshop” – Spiral movements. Twisted movements in close embrace. Transforming linear sequences into circular sequences.
Long movements in reduced spaces.
8pm – midnight: GTC Milonga
Sunday 6th October 2019 – Edinburgh
3pm – 4:30:
“Into the flow” – Techniques to generate fluency and continuity of movement in dance. Subtle communication: continuous movement in the pause.
4:30 – 6pm: “Just Pugliese” – Learning to listen to Pugliese’s orchestra. Learning to dance to Pugliese’s music.
For dancing afterwards head to the Counting House for the Edinburgh Tango Society’s Sunday Evening Milonga (7 – 11pm).