Mariana Ancarola and Damian Thompson returned to Glasgow to teach over the weekend of the 8th and 9th February 2020. Thanks to everyone attended!

Day 1: Saturday 8th February 2020
• 11:30am – 1pm: Vals cadenas – using 2 for 1 and 3 for 1 movements to create continuous cadenas.
• 1pm – 2pm: lunch break
• 2pm – 3:30pm: Patadas and their evolution. (note corrected time)
• 3:30 – 4pm: Practica
• 8 – 12 pm: Midnight milonga with performance
Day 2: Sunday 9th February 2020
• 1:30 – 3pm: Staying in cross system to create endless sacada combinations.
• 3 – 3:30pm coffee break
• 3:30 – 5pm: Soltadas to expand your creativity and connection.
• 5 – 5:30pm: Practica
Immersion workshops: £38 per day or £72 for both days (students £35 or £65).
The milonga costs £10 (students £7).
All workshops were at: Kelvinbridge Parish Church, 62 Belmont Street, Maryhill, Glasgow, G12 6JR (map). (Use the upper, Belmont Street, entrance on the bridge)
The Saturday evening milonga was at: Renfield St Stephen’s, 260 Bath St, Glasgow G2 4JP (map)
Please email or contact Vanessa on 07532 606942. See also the Facebook event at